Saturday, July 2, 2011

Slogan - does the PM ever really need one?

O Slogan,
It is no more than what it is;
A written line to spark motivation,
A statement that captivates a population,
A sentence that reflects the path of a nation,
Yet with a different leader, it is replaced and faded beyond recognition,
Having lost its' purpose and definition,
The land that once embraced it plunges into confusion,

Is a leader better off without any slogan?
That both his word and action
becomes his greatest weapon,
To fight against his opponents,
To gain the trust of the citizens,
In this silly game of propaganda bombardment,

Whatever fate shall befall upon the nation,
It doesn't matter which camp becomes the government,
Will there be a day where everyone can say goodbye,
To corruption and superficial slogan?

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