Saturday, July 30, 2011

A message for Norway

It's been a while since I've posted anything. Anyway, here's another short piece from me.

A message for Norway
It was only a matter of time before the truth was unveiled,
As fast as the waves, yet as calm as the winds,
Inside this already troubled heart I wailed,
Knowing that your presence shall surely be missed,

Even with a short period of time with me,
We shared a bond stronger than that of a family,
We were certain that we will see through tomorrow,
But perhaps, it is now the time for you to go,

I have nothing to give but a gift of tears,
A reminder of good times we shared all of these years,
Even if the journey felt empty without you,
I know I must look forward in life and continue.

~Gerard Galvestini, copyright 2011~

P/S: All prayer goes to those who perished in the recent attacks in Norway. RIP

Monday, July 25, 2011



Wassup, everyone!

Thought I'd start the day with a hug. Nothing to write, actually. Just need to keep my mind running. Stupid writer's block. Someday, if my son (or daughter) wants to become a doctor, she will find a cure for Writer's Block (medical term: Literatulis Paraliscosis).

That's all.

Until then.......................

P/S: In case you didn't know, the late Amy Winehouse has now joined the notorious '27 club'. RIP.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Joker once said.........

"Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I’m an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair!"

~The Dark Knight (2008)~

In my previous post, I did say that I started an experiment on YouTube (more like trolling, actually). Now, what started out as a curiosity led to the creation of the alias, DeSeniFreakz. Thus, the 'experiment' begins.The plan is simple: Pay the metal fans a visit and introduce a little 'chaos' to their world via trolling.

Before I began, I would like to apologize to rock fans (especially metal fans, although they are of different species) for all the bashing on a number of your favourite videos. It was all "part of the plan" (another Joker reference). 

I know that. But I specifically target metal fans because they are, in general, the most notorious comment-basher, often targeting the likes of Justin Bieber, Miley cyrus, Lady GaGa, etc. Another reason: They also bash on other bands of the same genre, making them ideal 'lab rats'. Of course, not all of them are exactly the same so, don't worry. I had that in mind.

The two bands shown above are some of my subjects for this 'social experiment'.

 During the course of conducting the experiment, I have made a number of significant findings. Below are some of the comments:-

(Oops! I accidentally censored my ID name. But don't worry. I've marked them and for the sake of clarity, read from bottom to top.)

(Continued from previous picture. Same manner, from bottom to top.)

There's actually more, but this one best sums it all up. After some experimental trolling, this is what I discovered:-

  1. When responding to negative comments, they tend to take the opportunity to bash on pop artists; for example, in the case of the above comments, bashing on Taylor Swift for being "attention whores" and she supposedly couldn't "write her own songs".
  2. They get defensive really quickly.
  3. They are the most passionate fans to have ever walk the face of the Earth.
Also, in case if you were wondering which Metallica video this 'discussion' took place, it's Nothing Else Matters. I know, right? I can't believe I just bash on my own favourite song. Here's the link.


Now that metal fans have tasted their own medicine, the same goes to all other music fans. So, no more trolling around, bashing on some other artists just because you don't like them.

So, the moral of the story is ---> What trolls around, haunts around.

Until then..................

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm starting an experiment

Was browsing through YouTube today, as usual. Then I noticed, a lot of music-related videos are among those who suffers terribly from hate-comments pollution, especially with rock and metal music for being its' most vulnerable victims.

So, I've decided to have an experiment by creating an account and start provoking rock and metal fans to search for root causes.

God be with me; for this is going to be a messy business.

Will be updating you guys with the results within a few days.

Until then.........

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

If an ex-porn star becomes your new next-door neighbour,......

.......... how would you react? What would be the most appropriate response?

Do you greet that person with open arms or, keeping a safe distance, sharpening your thoughts with negative perceptions, perhaps just like a majority of people in the neighbourhood?

Humans have got to be the most prejudiced species in the whole planet, if not the whole universe. Whenever we come across someone who seemed weird on first impression, a myriad of not-so-nice adjectives would flood in our minds, gradually having us believed whatever thought came to mind. I just find it rather odd that everyone's a judge to each other, passing judgment on others twice as fast as actually getting to know that person.

What's worse, those perceptions that we imposed on whoever we target usually sticks for a very long time, unless proven wrong. In fact, some of us have become critical of others at a young age. I've even witnessed parents condoning such acts in front of their children. It's like the whole city is a shooting gallery and everyone's both the shooter and the bull's-eye. It gets messy.

What happened to all those so-called "spirit of unity & tolerance"? I don't know. Never was my idea in the first place.


Until then...........

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Slogan - does the PM ever really need one?

O Slogan,
It is no more than what it is;
A written line to spark motivation,
A statement that captivates a population,
A sentence that reflects the path of a nation,
Yet with a different leader, it is replaced and faded beyond recognition,
Having lost its' purpose and definition,
The land that once embraced it plunges into confusion,

Is a leader better off without any slogan?
That both his word and action
becomes his greatest weapon,
To fight against his opponents,
To gain the trust of the citizens,
In this silly game of propaganda bombardment,

Whatever fate shall befall upon the nation,
It doesn't matter which camp becomes the government,
Will there be a day where everyone can say goodbye,
To corruption and superficial slogan?