Thursday, September 8, 2011

What kind of creativity do YOU possess???

Usually, when people talk about creativity, immediately most people picture this:-

Yup, it's almost always the painter wearing a french beret (why french beret?) and the mustache. But the truth is, creativity itself is diverse, often taking on different forms depending on the scenario. There are at least 3 distinct forms of creativity which I have identified (based mostly on my personal observation).

Expressive creativity

This sort of creativity enable artists to find ingenious ways to express themselves, usually in the form of incredible by-products of their expressions. Those with this form of creativity are usually called artists, which usually includes:-

  • painters
  • sculptors
  • musicians
  • dancers
  • actors
  • writers
  • performers

Alexander's creativity

Named after the great Macedonian commander, Alexander's creativity helps tacticians to outsmart and outmaneuver their opponents in order to gain upper-hand advantage in battlefields. This does not only apply exclusively to the military per se, it can also be used by politicians, CEO's and football coaches when engaging their foes in their respective battlefields.


Mankind's abilities to pursue technological and innovative endeavors to improve the livelihood of the human species is what innovative creativity is all about which, in the absence of it, we couldn't live without. From the beginning of mankind to modern times, from simple stone tools to computers and iPhones, the possibilities are endless. In fact, you can thank many men and women who are blessed with this form of creativity for many of the benefits we're enjoying.

There you have it. Even though there may be more kinds of creativity out there that I did not cover here, the fact that the 3 creativity types is more than enough to prove the diversity of creativity. Not only that, some of us could also have more than 1 form of creativity, with Leonardo da Vinci as the best example, showcasing all 3 creativity types mentioned above.

Well, that's all for now.

Until then.................

1 comment:

cutebun said...

I belong to the 1st group?